Just my two cents about the Fall Television season thus far. Seeing as my time is limited, I only have a hand full of comments, but you may find them interesting nonetheless.
My top picks:
The Office. This show is by far the most hilarious writing ever. It's like a Really Really good SNL skit for 30 minutes. Even if you don't work in an office, I swear you know some of these people in real life. It's on Thursday night, NBC, 9pm!
Biggest Loser. I know, it's been on for like 4 years now, but it's still remarkable for me to see the transformations of these people. If you've been in their shoes, like me, then you can relate. It's huge, literally and figuratively! Get inspired and watch it! Tuesdays at 8:30.
Kitchen Nightmares. Gordan Ramsey is the Simon of the restaurant industry. He's mean, but he's always right. This show will also teach you to never eat at a restaurant that doesn't have patrons in it! Wednesday, FOX, 9pm.
Intervention. If you don't feel grateful after watching this, then there is something wrong with you. People that are addicted to something, and their families are forcing them to get help. Intense. Friday A&E, at 10pm. Now we rarely get around to this show because it's on late, and I am using it as one of my ploy's to talk my husband into ordering DVR! Yes ladies, Im trying to talk my husband into this. Don't Ask!
Honorable Mentions:
The Hills. I still love young Hollywood Drama. I can't help myself. It's just addicting, and the way they portray the Teen Vogue offices is like watching a scene from the Devil Wears Prada.
Till Death. Im liking this season better than last season. Brad Garrett will always be Robert, the older brother in Everybody Loves Raymond, but he is growing on me in this show. He's still the Awkward Tall Man, but, he's not such a hurt puppy dog in this show. Kinda Funny.
Chuck. Check back with me, i'm on the fence.
Back to You. On the fence. I like Patricia Eaton and Kelsey Gramer kinda freaks me out, but the other cast member are kinda funny so I don't know yet.
So, thats my take for now. I will tell you this comes on the heals of my husband announcing about 3 weeks ago (note: right before football got into full swing) that maybe we could assign nights that each of us got the remote! He would give me tues, wednesday, friday and thursday @ 9pm. Why you ask, because every other night, stupid football is on! Yes, like the pillow in my family room says, "ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt this marriage for football season!"
What I do know is that he better get his fill now because in a few short years, his world will be filled with Disney Princesses, and the dreaded Purple Dino! Ha Ha Ha, sweet revenge.
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