Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Quick Holiday Recap

Because I failed to say Hey since Chirstmas, this is just a little series of pictures to give ya'll a little look see! Have Fun!

Travis's Birthday, Dec. 21st.

My "Christmas Purse" that I was carrying, WHILE SHOPPING, on my birthday, Dec. 23rd. (Yes, I have a christmas purse, sush!)

Becca with Santa! Dec. 23rd.

Me and my girls, Christmas Eve.

Merry Christmas 2009!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My Little Girl

Becca is Three Years Old! I'm not sure when it happened. Somewhere in between going to the hospital January 18th, 2007 and today. I'm here to say, it goes by FAST folks. I don't remember all the bumps, bruises, & runny noses.

What I do remember is her beautiful face, her big eyes, and the overwhelming love I felt for her, like nothing else on this earth.
I remember how every little move she makes, word she says, & laugh she laughs, melts my heart and makes me in love her more and more. She is the most beautiful Becca I'll ever know, and her sweet little heart lights up our home.
Happy Birthday My Becca Sue!