Thursday, February 26, 2009


I love taking pictures of my kids doing something cute, especially when they don't even know they are being cute.

Becca is the silliest little thing. She pulled her socks up high and then refused to wear pants, because she had Long socks on. So, this was how she tramps around the house all night.

She is also saying ALOT right now. Pretty much every time you say something, she repeats it. That means even the stuff you don't want her to repeat. Seeing as I only use certain words for stressful moments, it's kinda funny when she says it and it sorta takes the stress away. So, it's a double edged sword at times.

The other hilarious thing is she has started calling her Dad by name. Twavis, Daddy Twavis and sometimes just Twav will do. She hears me calling her Dad that so I suppose I'm going to become Babe pretty soon.

Jillian is getting sweeter, cuter, funnier and just all out practically perfect. I love this little baby and I don't want her to grow any more. She has her little bottom teeth now. I remember this happening with Becca and I was so excited and ready to move to the next step with her. This time, I want to hold onto this time as much as possible. Jilly LOVES her sister too. Man, Becca can get this kid to giggle like no other, then, it turns into a giggle factory that is so contagious you can't help but giggle too.

Peas and Carrots, that's what they are.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

It is so cute to see the sister bond growing! I absolutely LOVE the bond that Alexis and Avery have. I am looking forward to the bond that all 3 of them will have.