Monday, February 23, 2009

What the Heck.

I don't want to get all political on you, but, there is this new Housing Inicitive that came out with Obama's new Stimulus Plan. Ohhh, maybe, just maybe it will be something that we can look at. Maybe, just maybe it will be something that can help us in talking to the banks. So, I'm holding my breath and hoping!

I'm trying to be optimistic, can you see it!

(So now i've read it.....)

Are you kidding me!!!!! Is someone trying to pull a big ol APRIL FOOLS a month early. Where's the "just kidding folks", here is the real deal. You mean that is the real deal? GAH! Rotten is all I have to say cause this is a kid friendly blog. Rotten, rotten, ro-ha-te-hen.

Yeah, that's what I think about that.
Start over, redo.

1 comment:

Heidi Joe said...

Oh, there's the face. I miss you so much. :)