Monday, September 24, 2007

I can do this!!!

I've never been one for journaling, it seems like a good idea in theory, and then I sit, with pen in hand, ready to be profound and nothing. It's as though my brain just turns off. I don't know why, or how, it just happens. People tell me that writing things down helps relieve stress. Now, I know that I'm not void of stress in my life, I'm a mother for goodness sake, so I must have something to say, right? Then I realized, journaling is really all about nothing and everything at the same time. The big things in life are all the small moments that pass us by so quickly in a day. Writing doesn't have to be about the things that are wrong or the things that are so tremendous that the whole world should know about them. Writing can also be about the quick seconds that my baby makes that funny little laugh that brightens the gloomiest of days. By jotting these things down, I've created a lasting memory of what is good in life. That, in and of it's self, is a stress reliever. So Aha! I'm not so dumb after all. I can so this, or at least try. Blogging will be my tool for reflecting back on the best parts of my day, no matter how big or small those parts may be because I want to look back and say see, things ain't so bad after all!

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