Someday, little gems like this are really going to embarrass her! But there is something so dang cute about a baby's butt! I get to giggling when I let her run around naked. However, one must use extreme caution when allowing ones baby to run a muck with no diaper on. Ones baby may or may not decide to go pee on the wood floor, slip in her pee, and bang ones baby's head on the coffee table while going down. Not like that has happened or anything.
I don't care if you're one year old or fifty, the naked butt and cowboy boot combination is a winner. For real.
Your little girl is growing up so quickly before you know it there will be another cute naked butt running around your house. I am so glad that we can share our lives together through our Blog pages. Thank you for you comments on mine about my little house. Hopefully someday you and the Family can come see it.
Love Ya, Nic
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