Friday, July 4, 2008


Becca is really turning into a little person now. She is no longer that little baby, especially now that her sister has arrived. There are days that she does things, or pushes the limit with me or her dad and I swear that she is going on 16!

Like this stink eye for example. Who knows what I said to get this look. It could have just been her name, hence the "I think she is going on 16 remark". If all it takes is saying her name or touching her to get this look, oh man, watch out!

This look is often accompanied by a word she knows all to well. To the trained ear, it is the word DOWN. We use that for everything from up, down, in, out, on, top, you get the idea. It seems this word is morphing into another word though. Most of the time she uses this other word in the same way as DOWN, but, there are many times when this word is used so well in context that you can't believe your ears. Like the other day when she lost a ball under the car, ran over and squatted down to solidify that yes, the ball was now out of her reach to which she replied DAM!

Who's to blame? Well, her mother. I have a temper, and I use that word all to quickly when I'm frustrated. Who knew. So I'm not going to win mother of the year with stuff like this, but man, it's so dang funny when she says the same thing when she gets frustrated. I know how she feels.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Aw! Welcome to the Bad Mother of the Year club!!! Avery says "shut" but it sounds like Sh-t. Yeah, nice! Oh and she has already mastered "the look". She learned from the best, her big sister!! Just watch Jillie is going to pick up these habits MUCH earlier than Becca!! hugs!!