It's been a long few weeks with getting sick and all=( However, we are all on the mend and starting to feel like our old selves again. It's amazing how one cold can touch so many lives. I seriously wanted to take my head off for a few days. Seeing how that isn't possible and pregnant sick women can't take crap for medicine, I layed on the couch for a few days and let my toddler run the house! It worked out. We watched lots of cartoons, read lots of books and took numerous naps. She was my sick side kick.
Now with all that behind us, it's time to cram in some last minute projects before Sissy decides to make her debut.
I went to the doctor and her little head is right in plain sight, so I'm to be on my toes and ready for anything. But, if she decides to just hang out, then on June 10th, we will head into the hospital and have a baby. So weird to have it scheduled. Like it's a hair appointment or something! Which ironically I have scheduled on Friday, so it would be nice to squeeze that in before the big show. I'm sure many of you can understand where I'm coming from on this.
In the mean time my job went full time this week which I think might be a blessing because it's keeping me busy and my mind off of things. In other words, it's forcing me to prioritize and not sit at home and watch episodes of Baby Story and cry every time some woman I don't know give birth! But Ohhhhhhh, how I can't wait to hold this baby girl in my arms.
I'll keep ya posted!