We made it to 2008! I have to say, things are quite different being a parent of a little one. Staying up till midnight just wasn't in the picture. We tired, really we did, but at the stroke of Ten, we were done. Maybe next year will be a little more memorable. Happy New Year to everyone as another one bites the dust.
January one also slapped me in the face with many many things that I need to accomplish in the next 2 weeks. Most importantly, the big First Birthday for Becca. Not that Im going to the extent of a Jumpie or petting zoo, but still, these things take careful planning and thought. She only turns 1 once, and every year thereafter I must try to out do myself from the previous year, so I can't set the bar to high, but it still needs to be special. Oh the agony!!!! What is enough, but not too much? And then the guest list. Who really wants to come? Do my friends that don't have kids want to come? Do my parents friends want to come? These are delicate situations that must be taken seriously as we do not want to offend in any way! Do you understand my delima? It's just a babies Birthday.
Then there is the New Years Resolution. Do I go with somethings obvious and cliche like losing weight or getting organized? I think not. Losing weight is a no brainer, hello! And getting organized is a very lose concept in my house. I know where things are, for the most part, they just aren't always in logical places and I don't see that ever changing as much as I would like it too. So, I think I will make it something fun. I want to get together with friends at least once a month and work on something creative like a scrap project. I have millions of them floating in my head, just never the time to accomplish one. So thats like 12 times a year, should be doable. I'll keep ya posted.
In other news, it's my third to my last full day at my old job. I think my boss is in denial, but I expected that. Next week I will start my new job at Classical Academy. YEAH! I will get to see great people everyday like Laura, Sage and Andee. It will be so refreshing.
So, have a happy Wednesday. Also, my friend Heidi let the cat out of the bag. She is letting everyone at home know about her blog, finally, after a year of posting. Go visit her site and RAZ her a little, she can take it=)
Oh. Snap.
At least you could win a drawing my checking it out, though. Good luck in your last coupla' days. WOOT for TCA man!
Love it! Don't you know everyone wants to come and celebrate Becca's 1st or at least be invited. It kinda hurts not being invited to something you would obviously be pleased to go to.
I totally agree with you about the resolutions, let's keep them fun and easy.
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