Thursday, November 1, 2007

2 crazy weeks

I'm sure many of you have wondered if I've fallen off the face of the earth. Needless to say, it had been one crazy week! Or make that 2 crazy weeks. Most of you are aware of the fires that raged across San Diego county last week. We, among countless others, we evacuated from our homes, and left in wonder if we had homes to go home too. Thankfully, we did. They were dirty and smelly, but they stood. Unfortunately, the homes of so many wonderful people that I know did not make it, and some we simply near misses.

It is times like these that I sit and wonder how we are spared when others weren't. Devastation hits in so many ways. This kind, however, swipes the foundation right out from under you. The thought of being completely homeless is almost overwhelming. I am truely grateful that this time, we were spared. That this time we are left to help others pick up the pieces of their lives.

Also, in case you haven't been following, the little baby with Cancer, Natalie Tanner, is flying back to St. Judes for a followup MRI. They are going to see how far the cancer has spread, and how much time they still have with Natalie. Again, to have such a definite time line put on the life of someone you love so much is devastating. I'm just so lucky. My little girl, my husband and my family are safe and healthy. Really, what more could you ask for?

So, this weekend, make sure you hug the ones you love, give them a kiss and just say thank you to God. It's really all that matters.

But not to be a total downer, Becca is growing so fast! We have developed our fourth tooth which she loves to use by munching and chewing on everything! And I am still hunting for the perfect toy. I swear there is something out there that she will love more than the phone, remote control or magazine that mommies reading. I will stop at nothing to find this toy, even if I buy them all!


Brigette said...

Ok, so this was posted on the 1st, have you any idea what date it is already? I thought for sure you would be the one to keep up on the blogs with me. Don't disappoint.

Love you! Brie

Amber said...

Hey Marissa, I tagged you so go to my page and do it!