Monday, February 28, 2011

Who am I?

Has someone ever said something to you that caught you off guard, maybe even made you a little mad but then made you think?  They said something that kept ringing in your ears during those times in the day when thoughts seem to be louder then the hum of the hair dryer or even the music playing in the car.  They said something that no matter how you tried, you couldn't shake it! 

I've been thinking a lot this week about what my Identity is.  ..."the idiosyncratic things that make a person unique."  Knowledge of who one is.   Humm.  I think I know what my Identity is, but is that who other people see me as?  I'm pretty sure that our Identity is something that changes and evolves over time.  Life situations are part of making us who we are.  Faith, Marriage, Childbirth, Jobs, Schooling, Hobbies, Friends, all of these are things that shape who we are and what we identity with. 

Until recently, Faith has been something that has been hard for me to talk about.  However, I am certain that my Faith is the strongest part of my Identity.  It's something new for me to be openly embracing, but it's my foundation for everything else in my life.  My Faith keeps me grounded.  It reminds me what should be important, and keeps me in check. 

I would like my identity to be being a Good Mother, Good Wife, Good Daughter , Good Sister and Good Friend.  When I have a choice to make, I pray that I make the choice that makes me all of these things.   I don't want my identity to be my Career, my Car,  my Stuff or my House.  If my house is a HOME then my family feels safe, loved and secure.  If my job is something that I do with integrity and hard work within the confines of a a work day, then my Family feels important, cared about and proud.  

I think that if I'm keeping my Faith in mind in all of my decision making, then all of these things should identify WHO I AM.    Did I make Travis his favorite dinner, just because?  Did I cuddle on the couch with Becca for an extra long time because touching me makes her feel safe?  Did I read a book to Jillian over and over and over because it's her favorite?  Did I swing by my Mom's house to take her with me to the store so we could grab a coffee and run errands together?  Did I call my Dad at 6:30 to say HI because I knew he was driving home and could talk?  Did I tell my sister today that I love her and she's my best friend, because it's something that you can never hear enough?  Did I call my friend or send a note just to say, hey, I'm thinking about you?

I'm going to try...  I'm going to make my life about letting people I love know they matter to me. 

Oh sure, I will find time to get my hair done, shop for shoes, do a project, take a walk, watch T.V., write my Blog, paint my toes red, or decorate my house, but all of those things don't really matter without my Family and Friends to share it with!  

I mean, aren't these faces worth it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

He Loves Me

 Just in case I was wondering, yes, He Loves Me!  By far, the most beautiful flowers were delivered to my office with a dose of humor to boot.  If you watch Modern Family, you'll get my Hubby's subtle attempt at humor, it totally MADE my day!  He is the best Husband EVER.  I just love him to pieces.

I also just so happened to be matching my flowers too!  Everyone thought I did it on purpose, which was kind of funny, but it really was just a coincidence.  

I can't wait to get home and give my little munchkins their Valentines, snuggles, and and eat some yummy dinner too.  What a great day!  I hope everyone your was just as sweet!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Magical Kingdom

Oh what fun we had!  In lieu of a 4th Birthday Bash for miss Becca, Daddy and I took our little girls to Disneyland for the first time.  We had a blast no doubt.  The girls referred to it as Mickey's Park.  For some reason, Disneyland didn't quite have as much significance to them right now.  They kinda looked blankly at me when I told them where we were going, but once I said, "where Mickey lives, you know".  Ohh yes Mommy!  We want to go there.

We stayed at the Hilton and had a super duper view from our room.  We watched the Fireworks in our pajamas and headed to Mickey's park the next morning.
Highlights included the Carousel, Toon Town Roller Coaster, Woody and Jesse, Lunch, Pirate Ship, Tom Sawyer Island, Autopia and the Tea Cups.

Our Hotel Room, we are so excited!

With Daddy, getting ready to go in!

Mickey!  He was the first one we saw!


Getting dizzy in the Tea Cups.

Are we leaning?

Woody and Jesse, it doesn't get better than that!

The girls had a blast taking it all in!  I hope they have the best memories!  I sure do!