Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oh MY Goodness

Dear Me, how time get's away! From moving, to pre-school, to work, to holidays! Life has been a blur lately! However, there is always a silver lining hiding in the craziness somewhere. That silver lining is alawys my girls, but boy oh boy there have been alot of changes since August!

Within weeks of Jillian turning the big 2, we had to move! Away from our tranquil life on the mountian. Sad yes, to say the least. It has been a hard transition. One that has come with alot of questions. Why us? Why Now? Why, why, why, why?

I've decided that often times, the why just isn't clear for a reason. We are forced to press forward and it either makes us stronger or it breaks us. So pressed we did! I found a faith that had been hiding inside me for a long time. Faith that made be BELIEVE this is what is supposed to happen right now, and I believe that we will have so much more in the end.

So we've moved again....

It's a downsize in many ways. Back to things being simple and scaled back. And you know what?, That's okay! It's what is should be right now.

The girls like their new 'little' house very much. They share a room, which has gone increadibly well. It's big girl beds and new beginnings. We have a new school! We have new teachers, new lunch boxes, new toys, and it's exciting!

We also have a new cousin! In the midst of the craziness, little Brody Foulton came into our world on October 13th! All 7llbs, 11Oz of him! So I guess it's not really all that bad! Things are pretty good in fact!

So I hope my case of the poor me's has come to an end. Faith, Family, and Friends is what is really the most important. All the other 'stuff' is just stuff......

Here's some Nate's Butt Farm Fun. 10/3/2010

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