Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Just some things....

I've been perusing some of my favorite sites lately and I must say, there are some sweet things I want to get myself. Lots of new decor idea's, gosh darn house situation. It's not as much fun decor ting something that you will have to leave......awww well. Let's get back on track. First things first, Christmas! I know, I know, it's only June, but seriously, I love anything and everything Christmas. Just LOOK at this dang stinkin' cute book! It just screams vintage/farm/girly/country, all the things I love! I can't wait to see what wonderful idea's this little darling has inside. The anticipation is going to just make me pee my pants! Oh Halle Berries, I hear you now!!!!!!!!!!

Then, if you step on over here, you'll be drooling at some of the most adorable shoes on the face of the earth. These will be making there way to me very very soon. I can just see some soft pink toes resting in these perfect sandals, can't you? But, if you've never stayed awhile, really, just take a moment to browse through the wonder that is Sundance. I mean, this man is it's creator. I Love Him.

Next stop is my all time favorite, ETSY! Now, let me explain that if you haven't visited before, you need to stop, take a deep breath, and then jump on in. It's the dangest thing, a whole day will just slip through your fingers once you start browsing through this site! These are some of my latest pretties. Fabric totes make organizing so much fun. This is some of the girliest jewelry you've ever seen and she does them for little people too! I love to iron things, and don't these covers MAKE you want to iron! Oh man, I just want some starch and sheets right now! Can't you just see white daisies and flags in this! (I'm humming Amber Waves of Grain as we speak).

So hopefully everyone has a couple extra days to play this weekend, seeing as it is the 4th and all! Go make yourself a glass of lemonade, and meander through some of these sites, I know I will.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Look at that Face!

It's been awhile since my last blog post. I took a moment and checked what my good friend Jenny wrote, and MAN can I relate. My oh my, how life just slips past us. It reminds me to think before I wish my time away. I shouldn't say things like, "I can't wait till I can do that with Becca", I'm going to miss right now!

Maybe I've just been a Debbie Downer. You ever have those days, or months, where you just don't feel being nice, and like my mom always told me, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all! I guess it's time to start being nice. Really, it's not worth it to be mad, it just makes things harder.

So here's a little post to focus on the positive. Honestly, there is so much to be positive about!

-Travis scored a sweet new job in May! Things are slowly taking shape and I think the long term benefits are going to be awesome for him.

-I received the Customer Service Award at my work this year. 99.9% of what I do is Customer Service, so I'm glad that they think I'm doing a good job of it!

-Jillian Marie turned two years old! She is just the sunshine of my life. Her dimples could make anyone light up!

-Becca is just growing up into the sweetest little girl ever! She is every little bit of me through and through and make me so happy at all the right times.

-Cody has been with us for 3 weeks now. We LOVE having him home with us. What a young man, and good big brother he has turned out to be.

Just looking at those faces makes me smile and reminds me what's important! Stop and enjoy things while you can!