Thursday, August 28, 2008

This is a long one

This last week had been a blur. I went back to the grind. Which ain't so bad considering I get to see many of my friends at work, not to mention, I get to exercise this old brain of mine. That is one great thing about working out of the home, as busy as it makes you, it helps to sharpen my brain, which at times feels like it's turning to mush, much like the rest of my body=)

Anywho, the first week was actually really great! The girls did well with Grandma and Grandma enjoyed being with them. It's hard not to have fun, they are the worlds best kids!

We also had a baby shower to get ready for in all the hustle and bustle. So, when I wasn't at work, or feeding a baby, I was making these little gems. They look like pacifiers, right!

Which then finished off these little gems.

Pretty cute, right! They were fun to make, plus, I was making them for Alicia's shower, and I'm a person that loves the little details at events like this. So.....I couldn't help myself. I also managed to put together a 12X12 scrapbook for her. All she has to do is plop the pictures in. I supply the creativity, she supplies the pictures and poof..........home-made wonderfulness.

My jelly beans are growing up so much. I love them more every day. Just when I think I can't love them more, guess what? I LOVE them more!

I'm loving Jillian's chubby legs. Becca still had chicken legs at this point. Jilly certainly does not! She also has the sweetest smile, all cheeky and dimply.

Becca is soooo funny. She is a ham. She thinks that tooting is funny, because it is! She loves helping me around the house and she's good at it! She can put things in her drawers, carry laundry where ever I need it, sweep, swiffer and make dinner! Okay, just kidding, but she would if she could.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Thursday September 25th - Need I say more Office lovers.

And the Beat goes on.

This summer has been good. We've been boozing it up every weekend, having kick ass out of control parties and playing drinking Jenga till 4am! Just Kidding.
Baby beer bottle pics are right up there with bear butts in boots, doncha think??

So, we are really kicking things into high gear in order to get ready for Momma going back to work. This week we'll be breaking out the B Pump and getting friendly with it again. Can't say that I miss that, but, it a necessary evil.

My kiddo's just keep getting cuter and bigger each passing day. Becca is a whopping 30lbs and 34in long. She must have some Texas 'jeans' in her cause every thing's big in Texas. She's a little ball of personality too! I can't seem to get enough, unless it's nap time!

Jilly is still the worlds best baby. She likes to swing, sleep, eat, coo and smile. The crying is few and far between but every once in awhile a girls gotta be heard.

I'm also a little bummed. I finished Breaking Dawn in record time. I was a hard book to put down and I'm considering starting from the beginning again just because I might have missed something. Also, Sage, to you I am so grateful for telling me to read this book. My summer would have not been complete without your help. My sister and Mom also thank you and the book is on it's way back to you this next week!

I've also been cooking up a storm. Please, if you do nothing else, go to Pioneer and cook her Pasta Primevera! Thank me later.