The summer just Zoomed by us. Grandma was lucky enough to have two knee surgeries, I'm not be sarcastic, she really really needed them, but maybe lucky isn't quite the way to describe it. However, she has two NEW knees now, and is diligently working at getting them back up and going! Funny story about that, she mentioned to the girls that by Christmas she would be able to dance, which quickly turned into the girls being very excited about the Christmas Dance they are going to this year! Yay!!!!!! {insert, oh crap look on my face, need to figure out how to finagle a 'dance' of sorts at Christmas time} Yay for that! We can do it! Anyway, back to summer, and the fact that it's pretty much gone, which for me is okay because that means I get to decorate for Fall and Christmas! So I'm good with that.
My babies are a whole year older. They had their first day of school on Tuesday, and were so excited. Becca is in the Lighthouse Room and Jillian is in Noah's Ark. Trust me, you do not get this bit of information wrong! The room your in, and who you with is very important to the daily lives of my 3 and 4 year old. This is part of their identity, even if you are the checker at Vons and have no idea what they are talking about, they WILL tell you.
We took little treats to our teachers. Got a really cute idea on Tip Junkie's Blog. I couldn't get the free printables to print out right, so I used the wording and made it my own. Pretty cute and it put a smile on the faces of the teachers at preschool.
The teachers are angels. I don't like dealing with my own kids poop, much less some other kids poop. Now that I think of it, lotion was all I gave them. Nothing says 'Thanks for taking care of my brood, wiping their bottoms, noses and faces, and kissing their bobo's, like a bottle of lotion'. Should probably rethink that at Christmas time, right! Gift Baskets, gift cards, Cash! Get it together Marissa.
I'm working on a few fun projects at home. Here's a little sneak at the girls' bedroom.
I made this:
into this:
We got some new bedding that has prompted me to get their room a little spiffed up. Always changing it up. What can I say.
Oh, got a new pillow this summer too. Cute, huh! There is a new store in Poway called Country Barn. Sounds like something I'd like, I know. It was.
Ooh, and totally scored this 'Martha by Mail Jadite Pitcher' too. Such a great size for lemonade or ice tea. Love love love. Some of you may even recognize the pedestal it's standing on. From back in my Southern Living Rep Days, this is 'Barely Twist Pedestal' painted with white glossy Krylon spray paint!
And I finally painted these white letters I've had laying around for the kitchen. Saw some on Etsy for $58.00, so for some reason these for $8.o0, plus a can of paint, seemed like a good idea, right.
That's what life is up to anyway. I'll be posting some goodies for Fall soon. Happy Back to School time. Go stock up on Crayons. It's a good time to stock pile!