Years ago, before a husband, kids and serious jobs, I worked in a place that completely filled my creative side. My days consisted of playing with quilts, euro shams, danielson frames, old metal buckets, framed art, quirky jewelry, candles, dishes and just about everything else that makes my heart sing. Other days I would spend in an old shed, in ratty old clothes sanding, smoothing, painting, and distressing old interesting pieces of furniture. IT WAS HEAVEN! I can still smell the store, the shed, the paint and dust!
It's been a long time since that life was put to rest. Times change, the economy changes, people and places move on, right? But I miss it! I miss the feeling of excitement when I look at something and see what it could be, and the rush I feel when I make that come to life.
I miss lingering in the midst of all the pretties, imagining what I would do with that burlap runner in my house. Where that vintage fabric could find a home. I love looking at these things on the Internet, but something is lost when you can see it, touch it, pick it up! All those old feelings come back.
There is a place not to far away, a place that brings me back to these feelings. A place that when I go, I want to create again, and again.
If you live near me, you can go too! Check this out! It's called the Urban Barn, it's chic, different, wonderful, whimsical, inspiring, flirty, and so much more. It's in my little town too! If you are lacking a dose of any of these things, check out the link and take a little trip this weekend!