Friday, May 27, 2011

The Little Details

So the good things in life are sometimes in the little details.  Like the dimples on Jillian's face, or the 'one' sweet freckle that Becca has on her cheek.  Sometimes is just the feeling a pretty new pair of underwear makes you feel, nobody knows your wearing them, but it makes you feel good anyways.

I find I do this a lot at home.  I love to add small touches to things I do, that only I really notice, but make me feel good.

Recently, I broke down and bought this rug at Target.  I've been pondering it for some time, and finally splurged.  It gave me the 'breath of fresh air' feeling that I needed in the room.  Also, I always have to break out the Flag this time of year.  It's just so American! 

I also have a slight obsession with enamel ware.  This pretty platter was a total score on a recent shopping trip to antique village.  Every morning it greats me while I make a cup of coffee.  Oh, and for all you coffee drinkers out there, just stop it and go buy a Keurig.  Really, you'll thank me, and I really believe it doesn't cost more to buy the little pod thingyies.  Message me, we can argue in private!

This beauty is compliments of my Mom!  She is a ball of talent all wrapped up in a hug.

American Flags + Mason Jars + Dollies + Red Stool = Me.

Check out these over sized clothespins!  Very fun picture holders, recipe card holders, or, for a holiday, I bought enough for each of them to hold a die cut letter so I could spell various words.  "SPRING"  "SUMMER"  "NEST" things like that!  PS- Found them in the Micheals $$ bin!

Look at this cute fabric rose nestled in a Jadite mug.  Oh, and that book right there, The Vintage Table, GAH!  Go look, it's a keeper for sure!  So much stuff to drool and inspire over!

 I also had to redo the previous shelves I had here.  Again, the little pictures are a score from the Micheals $ bin.  Also of note, I love wrapping up a stack of my favorite fabrics in a gingham bow and using a vintage napkin as shelf flair.  Funny thing, I use so many items for ways they were NOT intended to be used.  That is a blog in and of it's self!  (Heidi -Are you listening)!